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Coaches, Players Encounter Travel and Training Protocols

Nnena Nadozie
Nnena Nadozie – Los Angeles. ATR photo.

“We’re excited about it,” said Aztec men’s coach Gene Carswell. “We’ll have between, it looks like, right around 20 matches, maybe even 21, and the season will go off.”

As elements of a Division One season without spectators began to emerge, Aztec Tennis Reporter asked the two head coaches to pull out crystal balls and describe where matters stood for a 2021 Spring Season in the Mountain West Conference.

To save costs, the MW had just decided to shelve its traditional season-ending championship tournaments.

For Carswell, the decision saved at least $8,000 to $10,000 of a $70,000-to-$80,000 travel budget, depending on where the tournament would have been played.

“You got 4.5 scholarships, and depending on how many in-state guys and out-of-state guys they’re awarded to, that’s another, between $150,000 and $200,000 of budget cost, just giving you a thumbnail sketch of things.

“Things are still very fluid. There’s a lot that goes into returning to play,” Carswell said.

“Protocols and quarantines are put in place for our returning players. So, we expect about a week, minimum, quarantine when they come back.”

One day’s workouts were halted when county officials lost test results, Carswell said.

“One player, Victor Castro, a junior college transfer, is coming from all the way down in Brazil,” said Carswell.

“His return includes having to pitstop in Mexico for two weeks, before he can fly from Mexico and return to the United States.”

“It’ll be his first time on campus and we’re excited for him to join the team, but coming from Brazil, the protocols for getting into the U.S. from there right now are pretty lengthy.”

“It was a very unique fall situation with just Judson Blair to work with. He got to play a lot of the open tournaments here in San Diego, including at Barnes Tennis Center, which is where Aztecs Ryan Redondo and Steve Adamson are working.”

Ryan has done a great job moving events to San Diego. Our player, Judson, won a wild card (into the Oracle Masters tournament main draw).

“Judson did a fantastic job even though he ended up losing in the opening round to Brandon Holt (the eventual tournament champion). He did very well in the first set, up a break early before losing 7-5, 6-1. He had several break opportunities and competed really well.”

Coach Carswell explained that “Brandon (Holt) is the son of Tracy Austin and was three-time singles All American at USC and is now playing professionally on the tour.”

The seven members of the 2021 spring Aztec men’s team are Rafael Gonzalez of Spain, Victor Castro of Brazil, Judson Blair of Oregon, Ignacio Martinez of Florida, Aaro Pollanen of Finland, Roni Rikkonen of Finland, and Johanes Seeman of Estonia.

Jules Auffray will not compete for the Aztecs this Spring. He and Alex Scemanenco are choosing to opt-out this season.