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Aztec Global Tennis Mix Deepens in 101st Year

2023 Aztec Teammate Countries
2023 Aztec Teammate Countries

18 Players Converge From 11 Countries Across the World

San Diego State’s tennis realm has expanded around the globe in the 101 years since a men’s tennis club was formed on campus in 1922.

For the 2023 spring season, the men’s and women’s rosters are stocked with five students from the United States and thirteen students from ten other countries.

This mix of cultures and athletes is not new.

In 1984, for example, Aztec Men’s Coach Skip Redondo recruited a single foreign player. (Pg 3)

By 2000, when the Aztec men’s team reached the NCAA Sweet Sixteen, Germans Alex Waske and Oliver Maiberger ranked 18th and 57th in the nation. Waske and Adam Webster ranked 25th in doubles. Foreigners accounted for 66 of the top 100 men’s singles players in NCAA’s Division One.

This season, Aztec coaches followed a now-familiar practice of searching the Internet for rankings of the world’s top college-eligible players seeking to study in the USA

See “2023 Aztec Women’s Team and Schedule” and “2023 Aztec Men’s Team and Schedule” for related information.