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An Aztec Coach Looks Forward and Back after a Difficult Season in 2022-23

Coach Gene Carswell leans toward Tim Shulz van Endert during a 2013 match.
Coach Gene Carswell leans toward Tim Shulz van Endert during a 2013 match.
Coach Gene Carswell leans toward Tim Shulz van Endert during a 2013 match.

After an unusual season in which the Aztec’s captured the 134th Pacific Coast Men’s Doubles title but won only three team matches all year, Aztec Tennis Reporter asked Coach Gene Carswell to assess the season. The conversation took place in May.

ATR: Was this the most difficult season for you?

Coach Carswell: Without a doubt, having to be away from the team for the illness and the surgery. It’s always hard to be away from your guys. And then to come back and have so many matches where we were knocking on the door. Even some of these 4-0 results. With Harvard we were in multiple three-set matches and they’re a top 10 team in the country. We knew that we could compete with everyone. It was just what was it going to take for us get over the hump?

ATR: Were there other factors?

Carswell: Yes. You have some injuries. And then, that devastating earthquake in Turkey that affected our group as well. Bora Sengul is from Turkey. That definitely impacted him. And so, it was difficult on many fronts. But we’re looking forward to next year, and we’ve got a few guys already on the slate to join the team and so we’re looking forward to bigger and better things.”